Prayer Group

Prayer is an important communication channel between us and God. God is constantly ‘on line’. He wants us to talk with Him and He wants us also to listen to Him.


In prayer we have the opportunity to tell God our fears, our concerns and the things that worry us. We can also tell him of our joys and love for other people.






Prayer Covenant Group

Through our Prayer Covenant Group you can ask for prayer for anyone and for anything. Knowing that you, or someone else, are in the thoughts of others, and that prayers are being said, can have a wonderful calming effect. The adage that a problem shared is a problem halved can help bring focus to the troubles you face, and put them in the context of the wider world and those that others face.


Prayer Tree Service

Prayer Trees are an ancient and anonymous way of sharing prayer concerns by pinning leaves on the prayer tree giving only as much detail of the situations as individuals wish.  A prayer tree is situated on the east wall of our Church and a short prayer service is held on the first Sunday of each month following worship.



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