Weekly Letter 19 - 2nd February 2024

Greetings from Currie Kirk - 2nd February 2024


A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:




Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16


This week let’s think about hymns! The choice of hymns can be a very emotive subject as we all have our favourites and we all have our pet hates. Presbyterian worship is sometimes described derogatorily as a ‘hymn sandwich’ as though the hymns were just marking the spaces between the meaty or important bits of the service. However, you can’t make a sandwich without bread and in some ways the hymns are the ‘bread’ of the services. Our hymns are not just to distract us or keep us awake by making us get to our feet to sing. Hymns are a vital part of our teaching – think of the words of some of your favourite hymns and you will get what I mean. Often in times of great stress or crisis, it is the words of well - known hymns that spring to mind. We know now that music and songs are stored in a different part of the brain from ordinary speech and that many people with memory loss can still sing, long after they’ve lost the ability to speak. So, what we learn from our hymns is important and what we say in our hymns is important.


When a worship leader is choosing hymns, they choose the words to tie in or support the message of the readings and the sermon. Some of our hymns are rousing, some sad, some thoughtful, some provoking, some are praise, some are prayer, some are lament. Each hymn is carefully placed in the service, depending on the atmosphere and emotions at that point in the service. There are some people who tell me that they don’t like ‘new hymns.’ However, throughout our lives, it is important to keep learning – we never get to the stage where we cannot learn something new. New hymns will also have God’s message for you in them – take them home and look at the words. And if your favourite hymn is not on the order of service this week, don’t despair, it will probably be there soon!














 4 Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Town and Gown Service with Heriot Watt University. 


 11 Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Worship led by Rev Anne Logan, followed by a Prayer Tree service. 


18 Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Worship led by Grant Gordon. 


25 Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Worship led by Rev Anne Logan, followed by an informal communion.





Lenten Study 2024. 


‘God’s Invitation to Relationship’ There will be a series of Lenten Studies on prayer this year. If you’d like to know more information regarding time and place please contact the Kirk office (currie_kirk@btconnect.com) or Margaret Gordon.


Kirk News


Kirk News is now ready to be uplifted.



If you want any information or need to speak to someone please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188)
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