Weekly Letter 69 - 31st January 2025


Greetings from Currie Kirk - 31st January 2025

A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:


Through this week, as we’ve driven around to look after our grandchildren, the damage caused by last week’s storm has been very obvious. We’ve seen minor damage to buildings in terms of slates, tiles and ridging, but the damage to the trees and gardens has been more striking. All along the side of the roads from motorways to minor access roads, there’s evidence of hasty clearing just to get the roads open again. Even the short footpath which we use to take our younger grandchildren from their house to their school is blocked by a fallen tree, necessitating a wee detour through a housing estate instead. Around our own house, from our neighbours gardens, we’ve heard the buzzing of chainsaws and the clang of axes, followed by the trundle of wheelbarrows as those with open fires and stoves brought some good out of the damage.


On the international scene, we are reminded that there are storms of all kinds. The war in Ukraine drags on towards its fourth year; refugees are returning to the North of Gaza to discover rubble rather than homes; Rwanda stands accused of invading DCR; in Los Angeles, people are searching their burnt out homes and in Washington, the river Potomac is slowly giving up those killed in the air crash.


From the psalmist we hear the reminder that God remains steadfast, no matter the storms that surround us. Think of these verses from Psalm 107:

28 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
 and he brought them out from their distress;
29 he made the storm be still,
 and the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 Then they were glad because they had quiet,
 and he brought them to their desired haven.
31 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
 for his wonderful works to humankind. (Psalm 107 vv28 – 31)







Readings and Prayers in Church


The Kirk Session would like to encourage more people to take part in our services, by reading the Bible lessons and by writing prayers, especially prayers for others. If you feel this is something you might be able to help with, look for the Readers notice which will go up in the Link building  and sign up for a date that you can manage. If your interest is in writing prayers then come along to one of two workshops on ‘Writing Prayers for Public Worship’ which will be held in the Lounge of the GCH on Tuesday 25th February at 7pm and on Friday 28th at 10am. These workshops will last between 30 minutes and an hour.



News from the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian

Church of Scotland village at Magnitude - July 2025
Held at Lendrick Muir in Kinross from Sat 19 to Wed 23 July (the event finishes at 11pm so you can stay over and leave on the Thurs morning), Magnitude is for 11 to 18 year olds. Youth groups are invited to come along and join others from across the Church of Scotland. 


Sharing some good news! In December, St Michael’s, Linlithgow, held its annual Christmas Tree Festival in aid of local charities. It is an event which is hugely supported by the local community. 80 trees were decorated by local businesses and organisations. The total sum raised was £12,438 which is being divided equally between Linlithgow Link (hospital car service), River Kids who support disadvantaged families in West Lothian and Bethany Christian Trust, Edinburgh. Each received £4,146.


Worship This Sunday


2nd February 2025 -     Heriot Watt University 58th Anniversary Service.                                          Currie Kirk at 10.30am. 





Messy Church


14th March 2-4pm GCH. Volunteers required. Contact Rev Susan by email. Volunteers meeting 11th February.




Tuesday 4th February. 10am. Colin Chess — Newhaven.




Monday 3rd February — Annual Lecture Heriot Watt.


Wednesday 5th Feb — History of Balerno. BPC.


Saturday 8th February — Lego Church. BPC.


Wednesday 12th February — Rev Stewart Gillan. BPC.






Our mailing address is:

Contact Email: admin@curriekirk.co.uk
Phone: 0131 451 5141
Charity No. SC001554

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