A message from our Interim Moderator
Rev Dr Anne Logan:
Storm Eowyn is a name we’ll all remember for quite a time, I suspect. For many of us, yesterday echoed the experience of lockdown as we remained indoors – this time, not even venturing out for an hour of exercise! The aftermath sees many people coping with damage to roofs, buildings and gardens. Still there are thousands with no electricity. Fortunately, the loss of life was not so severe as might have been.
Storms are a feature of our weather pattern at this time of year and the likelihood is, that with global warming, they will become more frequent and more severe. But, over the last few days, there have been gentle signs that the season is changing. Slowly, slowly, slowly, the daylight is extending and out in the gardens and the woods, spring bulbs are beginning to break through the soil. I was thrilled to see my first snowdrops on Monday.
From the earliest of times, people have seen God at work in the changing of the seasons, each sign, like the snowdrops, a reassurance to us, that whatever the storms, God holds us in his hands. From the book of Genesis, comes the story of Noah and the flood. But more important than that flood is the promise that comes afterwards:
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.” (Gen 8; 22)
Day by day, all around us, are the signs of God’s everlasting love.
Blessings! Anne
News from the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian
Pastoral Skills Course, an Introduction running over two evenings in March
Where: Morningside Parish Church, 2 Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 6BQ
When: Tuesdays 18th and 25th March
Timings: 6- 9.30pm each evening
Caring for one another is the responsibility of each and every one of us and so we are offering a brief introduction to Pastoral Skills running from 6 –9.30pm each evening, sta
with a light supper.
There is a maximum of 16 places on the course and it is open to anyone interested in finding out a bit more about pastoral care, without the necessity of making an commitment, beyond the course itself.
The course will look at topics such as:
• Communication & listening skills
• Self-awareness & self-care
• Boundaries and why they matter
• Dementia
The training will be hands on/experiential in nature and the aim, to make it an enjoyable experience for those attending. There is no charge for the training, although donations welcome, and CPD certificates will be provided
The introductory course is a standalone but for those who might wish to explore further we offer
Pastoral Skills Course, Level 2: running over two evenings, Tuesday 21st & 28th October.
Open to those who have completed the introductory course above and want to further
develop their skills and knowledge.
A specialist subject for level two will be bereavement.
To book your place or simply to find out a little bit more, please contact
Jacqui Lindsay on 07834 364 628 or e mail:
Are Humans Unique?
(Heriot-Watt Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture)
A neuroscientific exploration of mind, soul and consciousness with Dr Sharon Dirckx, a speaker, author and former brain imaging scientist.
By Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy
Monday, February 3 · 6:15 - 8:15pm GMT
James Watt Centre on Heriot-Watt University Campus
Heriot Watt University Currie EH14 4AS
A materialist approach to mind, soul and consciousness; realising that matter is not all you need to explain everything about understanding humans.
Refreshments will be available from 18:15, but the lecture will start at 19.00.
The event is free but ticketed through Eventbrite
Worship This Sunday
Sunday 26th January 2025 - Rev Susan Galloway - Currie Kirk at 10.30am. Worship will include the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
27th January - Session Meeting at 7pm in GCHalls.
3rd February - Heriot-watt Lecture.
31st January - Kirk News Ready for collection.
14th March - Messy Church volunteers needed 2-4pm. Can you help please?
If you want any information or need to speak to someone please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188) or Isobel Webber (07702 784186).