Weekly Letter 67 - 17th January 2025


Greetings from Currie Kirk - 17th January 2025

A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:


As I write this, the world waits with bated breath, will the ceasefire due to come into operation in Gaza tomorrow, actually take place? The war continues right up until the last moment, but we’ve also seen the Aid convoys lined up, ready to drive into Gaza if the ceasefire holds. All around the world but especially in the Middle East, people are praying for peace in Gaza. The ceasefire, if it happens, might be a first step towards the end of the war, but the end of the war is not the same as peace. Rev Stewart Gillon, mission partner for the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian and Minister of St Andrews Jerusalem and Tiberias, will be visiting Balerno Parish Church on Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm. Stewart brings understandings and insights into the present situation which many may be interested in hearing, and all are welcome to attend.


What does peace truly look like? I hope and pray that over the next few months, it will be possible for both sides in the Israel/ Gaza conflict to begin to build something which they feel is truly peace. But for all of us, as we pray for the ceasefire and pray for peace in the Middle East but also in Ukraine; Sudan and a host of other countries, it is good to reflect on ‘peace’ and all the promise that word holds.


‘For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders,  and he is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Great will be his authority, and there shall be endless peace’ Isaiah 9; 6 – 7a


Blessings! Anne





Some news from the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian


Individually Guided Retreat Monday 24 – Friday 28 February 2025


Whitchester Christian Centre, Borthaugh, Hawick, Scottish Borders TD9 7LN


enquiries@whitchester.org.uk www.whitchester.org.uk Tel: 01450 377477 Charity No. SC011436 Company No. SC093015


Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need. (TLB)


Taking the above as our text for the retreat, we invite you to come, stay, receive and find over these few days. Outline: Following an introductory session on the first evening, the retreat will move into silence. One to one sessions with trained spiritual directors will be arranged for Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. The Art Room will be resourced with creative media, and other resources made available, however, retreatants are welcome to bring with them anything they have been desiring to take time out to pursue. On Thursday evening we will gather together for a voluntary time of sharing and will come out of silence after this. Friday morning prayers after breakfast will draw the retreat to a close.


£395 to include individual accompaniment each full day in addition to full board.


Sunday 2nd February 2025 6.30pm


Inverleith St Serf’s Church


Alison Jack, Professor of Bible and Literature at New College will give a lecture entitled ‘Through the Eye of a Needle: Exploring the Bible in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney.  The lecture will take place in the Church Centre and will be followed by refreshments.  Everyone is welcome





Worship This Sunday

Sunday 19th January 2025. Currie Kirk at 10.30am.  Rev Susan Galloway.




Kirk News Deadline 24th January


Guild — Meeting 21st January at 2pm. Another nicht wi Burns


Hogmanay Charity Ceilidh 2024 — Raised the wonderful sum of £1,144 for the charity Crohn's and Colitis UK SCO38632.  Many thanks to all who attended or donated prizes; special thanks to Betty Clark for her delicious shortbread!       

                                                                                              Viola MacPhail


If you want any information or need to speak to someone, please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188) or Isobel Webber (07702784186).






Our mailing address is:

Contact Email: admin@curriekirk.co.uk
Phone: 0131 451 5141
Charity No. SC001554

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