A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:
A friend gave me an Amaryllis bulb in the run up to Christmas. When I took it out of its packaging, I was quite tempted to throw it away – the bulb did look completely lifeless and to be honest, I am not good with indoor plants. I tend to forget about them and by the time I remember to give them water, the poor plants have often given up all claim to life. It was tempting just not to bother even trying. But this year, my Amaryllis has flowered. Its stems are short, so it hasn’t toppled off the window ledge in despair, but rather has produced wonderful blooms. I think it is something of a miracle!
There are times in Church life when we are tempted to give up on something we are doing – because we think there’s no hope of anything coming of it, or because we think we are not the right person to be doing whatever it is. Sometimes, we are tempted to give up, simply because we are tired and can’t be bothered trying again. But Paul reminds us, in the letter to the Corinthians, that we need to trust in God. It is God who makes our community thrive. God simply calls us to be faithful in carrying out our tasks and to be the fertile soil in which growth can take place.
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and each will receive wages according to their own labour. For we are God’s coworkers, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building. (1 Corinthians 3; 6 – 9)
Blessings! Anne
Below are a couple of items from the Presbytery News.
BRAVEHOUND supports veterans who have a mental health diagnosis such as PTSD, with assistance dogs. The dogs are highly trained and are life saving and life changing.
They are looking for volunteers to help at events and also to become BRAVEHOUND Buddies, caring for young dogs and helping with their foundations. If you know of anyone in your congregation that may be interested, you can download a leaflet here.
Christmas Offerings — donated to Bethany Christian Trust -£298.93 and FACE - £298.93.
Kirk News Items 24th January deadline — we need some news!
Hogmanay Charity Ceilidh 2024 — Raised the wonderful sum of £1,134 for the charity Crohn's and Colitis UK SCO38632. Many thanks to all who attended or donated prizes; special thanks to Betty Clark for her delicious shortbread!
Viola MacPhail
January 2025 Services
Sunday 19th January — Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Worship led by Rev Susan Galloway. NO JOINT SERVICE
Sunday 26th January — Currie Kirk at 10.30 am. Worship led by Rev Susan Galloway. Morning worship will include the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Funeral Details
Sadly we have lost members. Please pray for the families.
Nan Muirhead – Funeral 14th January, 3.30pm at Mortonhall. Taken by Margaret Gordon.
Christine Lindsay – Funeral 24th January, 11.30am at Mortonhall. Taken by Rev Susan Galloway.
If you want any information or need to speak to someone, please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188) or Isobel Webber (07702784186).