A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:
This week has seen us take grandchildren into the Centre of Edinburgh to the Fringe. The children have enjoyed the shows that they’ve seen, and they’ve also enjoyed the street performers – unicyclists, jugglers, flame swallowers, singers. One of the children said to me, everyone looks so happy. Indeed, on a good day at the fringe, that’s true, people look happy from performers to audience people seem happy and there’s a warmth and enthusiasm in the air. Rainy days are maybe different, but we were there in the sunshine. The Psalmist wrote -
1O come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
3 For the Lord is a great God
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and the dry land, which his hands have formed. (Psalm 95)
Often, I fear, we Christians are seen as something less than joyful. We can sometimes give the impression that we worship a ‘spoilsport’ God who really doesn’t want anyone to have fun. As we prepare to celebrate Currie Kirk next weekend, let’s do so joyfully, with warmth and enthusiasm – for God has given us so much that we have a great deal to celebrate. Please remember to fill in the booking form online or in paper form, then come along and make a joyful noise of celebration.
Blessings! Anne
Statement for Congrations August 2024
Currie Kirk and Balerno Parish Church
Update: 11 August 2024
Representatives of the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian have met with the Kirk Sessions of both Currie Kirk and Balerno Parish Church.
As Interim Moderators of the congregations we wish to offer to both congregations and communities updates when appropriate on the steps being taken to ensure a harmonious union of the congregations of Currie Kirk and Balerno Parish Church, and this is the first of these.
The Presbytery suggests that in the first instance the congregations of Currie and Balerno will be linked to allow for the formation of a strong union. This represents an alteration to the current Presbytery Plan and will need to be agreed at National level.
In the meantime two part-time Locums will have responsibility for the conduct of worship and pastoral care – one for Currie Kirk and one for Balerno Parish Church. The Rev. Derek Munn, an Ordained Local Minister, will begin his service at Balerno Parish Church on 1st August 2024, and Rev Susan Galloway, Ordained Local Minister, will begin as locum at Currie on 1st September.
We are together looking positively to the steps necessary to ensure a union of the two congregations, and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact either of us or the Session Clerks of the congregations.
We trust that you are enjoying this Summer season,
Rev. Dr Anne Logan. Interim Moderator, Currie Kirk
Rev. Douglas Nicol, Interim Moderator, Balerno Parish Church Douglas.Nicol@churchofscotland.org.uk
Worship This Sunday
Sunday 18th August. Neill Crawford at Currie Kirk, 10.30am.
Currie Kirk Celebration Weekend: 24th and 25th August 2024.
Places are filling up, Please book ASAP www.curriekirk.org or Kirk Office.
Choir Practice: Sunday 18th August.
Coffee Stop: Saturdays in Currie Kirk 2-4pm.
(closed Saturday 24th Aug).
Pop-up Café: Tuesdays in Gibson Craig Halls 10.30-12noon.
Currie Kirk News: We are delighted to intimate that the Rev Susan Galloway, OLM, will begin her appointment as locum minister at Currie from 1st September 2024. We look forward to welcoming her.
Session Meeting: There will be a joint meeting of the Kirk Sessions of Currie and Balerno at 7pm on 26th August 2024 at Balerno to carry forward discussions about the future.
If you want any information or need to speak to someone please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188) or Isobel Webber ( 07702784186).