Weekly Letter 4 - 13th Ocbotber 2023


Greetings from Currie Kirk - 13th October 2023


A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:
 Map of Currie Village and surrounding area (map sourced from Wikipedia)




Sometimes amidst all the talk of change, readjustment, finances and buildings we forget that the most important role of the Church, Currie Kirk and every other congregation, is mission – sharing the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ with others. Two thousand years ago when Paul was speaking to the people of Athens, he noticed that the Athenians had an altar to the ‘Unknown God.’ Paul went on to tell them, that he and his fellow Christians did know God and wanted to make God known to them (Acts 17). It often feels to us today that many people around us do not know God and it is our duty – but more importantly our delight to show them, through our words, actions and the way we live our lives, who God is and how we can know God through Christ.

Currie Kirk, as you all know, is to progress towards a Union with Balerno Parish Church. A vital part of that Union is what is described as the ‘Mission Narrative.’ To put it more simply – how are we going to share the Good News of Jesus with others?

We will be very fortunate in the new union to have splendid resources – all the buildings of present two congregations are to be retained; and there should be some savings possible to free up funds for mission. How are we to use all our resources of time, people, finance and buildings to spread the Good News?

The Kirk Session is aware that there are people within the wider congregation and community who have good ideas about things that Currie Kirk could be doing which would meet needs and build community in Currie and Balerno. Everyone who is interested is invited to come along to a meeting which will be held in the Church at the close of the morning service on Sunday 29th October to share their thoughts on what Currie Kirk could and should be doing in this community.






Worship This Sunday

Sunday 15th October - Rev Alistair Keil - Currie Kirk at 10.30am



Congregational Meeting, Sunday 15th Oct, Currie Kirk,12noon


Guild Meeting, Tuesday 17th October, 2pm

Guild Coffee Morning, Saturday 21st October, 10—12pm


Donations of books and tombola items please.



New Office hours

Tuesdays, 9.30am—12.30pm

Fridays, 9.30am—12.30pm

Saturdays, 9.30am—12.30pm




Shoebox Appeal

Please take a leaflet from the hospitality area.

Completed shoeboxes should be handed into the Kirk office by end October.



If you want any information or need to speak to someone please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - Louise Lamont (07910 594188)
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