Weekly Letter 39 - 12th July 2024


Greetings from Currie Kirk - 12th July 2024

A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:


Mike and I recently had the opportunity to visit Cragside in Northumberland. A vast National Trust estate. The house and estate were originally created by Lord William Armstrong, a Victorian engineer and inventor and his wife Lady Margaret Armstrong, a keen and knowledgeable gardener. We walked around the estate through with its many curiosities and as we climbed up through the woodland we came across a large tree which, finding that its roots were obstructed by rock, extended the root over the rock to reach the soil on the other side.



In the letter to the Ephesians we are reminded that Christ lives in our hearts through faith and that we are rooted and grounded in love. Our faith journeys are not always straightforward or easy and sometimes we our faith needs to climb over obstacles, boulders in the way, in order to reach the good soil of love on the other side.



I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit 17 and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. 18 I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

20 Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, 21 to him be glory in the church and[m] in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3; 16 – 21


Blessings! Anne



Worship This Sunday

Sunday 14th July 2024 - Currie Kirk at 10.30am - 

Rev Alistair Keil with Prayer Tree Service.




Saturday Cafe @ The Kirk 2-4pm. (Tea / Coffee / Home Baking).


Date for your Diary - Currie Kirk Celebration Weekend full of events - 

Saturday 24th August and Sunday 25th August.


SUMMER POP-UP CAFE - Tuesdays 10.30am - 12pm. 

(Tea / Coffee / Home Baking).


 Office Hours

Tuesdays, 9.30am—12.30pm

Fridays, 9.30am—12.30pm

Saturdays, 9.30am—12.30pm



If you want any information or need to speak to someone please call the Kirk office (451 5141) or contact one of the Session Clerks - 

Louise Lamont (07910 594188) or Isobel Webber (07702784186).










Our mailing address is:

Contact Email: admin@curriekirk.co.uk
Phone: 0131 451 5141
Charity No. SC001554

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